About Peter


Meet Peter Kendrick.

Born in Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, Peter was immersed in Eastern and Middle Eastern influences throughout his childhood. His childhood homes were filled with wide-ranging art and furniture styles from around the world.  As an Eagle Scout, and later as a Geologist and Oceanographer, he spent his early years experiencing and studying the natural earth.  

The grains in wood slabs look very much like the topographic maps he consulted and created every day, so it comes naturally for him to see 3-dimensional mesas, canyons, cliffs, and waterways within the wood he works with.  As an avid outdoorsman, he traveled the world mountaineering, surfing, and even herding cattle at one point! In these remote areas he observed that a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and species of trees were used by the local populations to build and furnish their homes, and even to make their surfboards.  Very little went to waste and often the trees that were harvested to make room for homes became those very same homes.  With uncomplicated tools and little to no finishing materials, these trees could be transformed into the structural components of homes, and also into beautiful and functional interiors and furnishings.  

After a long second career as a Physical Therapist, studying and helping to repair the human body, and then a later foray into Canine Rehabilitation, Peter turned back to the natural world to focus on what he saw years earlier during his travels.  Using a limited arsenal of tools, no joinery other than epoxies to pair woods and fill holes, no stains but instead natural tung oils and tung oil-based finishes, and sustainably harvested woods whenever possible, he now attempts to replicate those simple but exquisite furnishings that highlight the natural shapes, grains, colors, and even flaws in the wood.